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Committee on Practicing, Applied, and Clinical Sociology

The Committee on Practicing, Applied, and Clinical Sociology (sometimes known as Applied, Public, and Clinical Sociology) seeks to provide resources for students, faculty, and non-academic practitioners of sociological work. We recognize that many professionals outside academia utilize the sociological imagination and the sociological research method in their careers. Statisticians, consultants, analysts, community organizers, politicians, educators, health professionals, social workers, managers, and executives are some of the fields in which sociology and sociological practice can play a role.

What we do: Our mission is to integrate the practice of sociology into the wider academic sociological network, and provide insight into career pathways for sociology students and practitioners. We believe that PSA can be a home for academics and other non-academic professionals doing basic research, applied and tranlational research, and work that is done with a sociological lens, or using sociological skills such as cultural competency, global awareness, organizational change, conflict resolution and non-violent action, collaboration, and ethical practice.

What we are doing: Recently our committee has advanced this mission by sharing resources and ideas as a group, and forming sessions on the practice and practical applications of sociology.
Why: to improve students’ career outcomes, advance the application of sociology to the improvement of environmental, economic, health, and social conditions, and to create more awareness and professional networking for sociologists working both in and out of academia on applied work.
Goals: 1) bring more members 2) offer more sessions that are applied and bringing in both academics and “non-sociology” professionals who use sociology in their careers 3) put on workshops: i.e. curriculum redesign to make it more career-relevant, teaching workshops on how to do it, teaching “futures” and relationships to policy, government

The Committee generally consists of six members of the Association. Members are appointed for a two year/three conference term. Each year terms expire for two members who are replaced with those members who are beginning their term.  The Committee on Committees makes appointments to the commitee.  While members of the Practice, Applied, and Clinical Sociology Committee may recommend prospective members to the Committee on Committees, they do not select their own committee members. They do, however, elect the committee’s chair who should be someone who will be a continuing and active member of the committee. The Chair serves for one year, but can be reelected. One membership spot will be for a graduate student member of CPACS. The suggested criteria are as follows: (a) graduate student status; (b) member of PSA; (c) previous presenter at PSA; (d) experience in applied, practice, or clinical work or experience in community or social agency service or in social research.

  1. Procedures for taking committee action.  Committee action is taken following a majority vote of the committee members. This is done either at the annual meeting or by email at the request of the chair.
  2. Specific duties of the chair.  The chair must develop the agenda for the year’s activities and must convene the annual meeting of the committee. In addition, it is the chair’s responsibilities to engage all members in the activities of the committee and to monitor and encourage their participation throughout the year by communicating with them via email, fax, phone, and regular mail. The chair also saves all significant correspondence directly related to committee policy or pertinent decisions not otherwise tracked in committee minutes or reports, and maintains the committee’s file or archive. The chair also makes certain that sessions which the committee proposes to sponsor at the annual PSA meeting are submitted to the online system (invited sessions), and that those to be included in the Open Call are included in the committee’s notes to the Secretary by May 1. In addition, the chair should make certain that the committee engages in the process of soliciting nominations for the association’s Distinguished Contributions to Sociological Practice Award.
    The chair must be very strong, someone who can provide clear, precise, and firm direction. There should be close contact between the new chair and the former chair so that ideas, unfinished business, etc. can be passed on from year to year. The chair should make clear to every committee member what the “rules” are–deadlines, procedures, responsibilities, etc.
  3. Procedures.  Committee decisions are made by input from committee members, either via email or at the annual meeting of the committee.
  4. Calendar of Activities and specific chair duties.
  • By October 15: Chair communicates the committee’s agenda for the year to members.
  • By January: Chair contacts all committee members to check on progress being made on specific tasks, such as organizing sessions for the annual meeting and to get members back into the “committee mode,” if no items require action.
  • By February: Chair determines which members will be attending the annual meeting. Agenda for the annual meeting is sent to all committee members for their comments and suggestions. If the committee is working on a position paper or any action item that will go to PSA Council, the chair must maintain contact with all committee members throughout the year.
  • At the PSA meeting: Conduct committee meeting. Elect chair for next year. Discuss agenda for next year. Discuss proposed sessions for next year’s annual meeting.
  • Assign specific committee members specific tasks.
  • By May 1: Chair writes annual report/meeting minutes of the committee’s activities and sends it to the Secretary. Committee members should be contacted for their input into the annual report.

2024-2025 Committee Members

Savannah Hunter

Janet Armentor

Lara Antebi

Sophie Nathenson

Jacqui Maciel

Savannah Hunter, Chair

2023-2024 Committee Members
Robert Kettlitz (24) Hastings College
Mary Robertson (24) Seattle University
No new appointments (to begin service in 2023) made by the Committee on Committees

2022-2023 Committe Members
Michael Chavez (23) Inland Empire Labor Council and Riverside Community College
Barret Katuna (23) Sociologists for Women in Society
Robert Kettlitz (24) Hastings College    Chair
Mary Robertson (24) Seattle University

2021-2022 Committe Members
Kyle Chapman (22) Oregon Institute of Technology
Orvic Ralph Pada (22) CSU Fullerton
Michael Chavez (23) Inland Empire Labor Council and Riverside Community College
Barret Katuna (23) Sociologists for Women in Society

2020-2021 Committe Members
Carol Ward (21) Brigham Young University
Allison Cantwell (21) UC Riverside
Kyle Chapman (22) Oregon Institute of Technology
Orvic Ralph Pada (22) CSU Fullerton

2019-20 Committee Members
Stephen Steele (20) Emeritus/Retired
Meggan Jordan (20) CSU Stanislaus
Sophia Lyn Nathenson (18–extended) Oregon Institute of Technology, Chair
Carol Ward (21) Brigham Young University
Allison Cantwell (21) UC Riverside

2018-19 Committee Members
Stephanie Machado (19) Oregon Institute of Technology
Jacob Huang (19) California Baptist University
Stephen Steele (20) Emeritus/Retired
Meggan Jordan (20) CSU Stanislaus
Sophia Lyn Nathenson (18–extended) Oregon Institute of Technology, Chair

2017-18 Committee Members
Sophia Lyn Nathenson (18) Oregon Institute of Technology, Chair
Greg Gibson (18) Kent State University
Stephanie Machado (19) Oregon Institute of Technology
Jacob Huang (19) California Baptist University
beginning service at 2018 conference:
Stephen Steele (20) Emeritus/Retired
Meggan Jordan (20) CSU Stanislaus

2016-17 Committee Members
Sophia Lyn Nathenson (18) Oregon Institute of Technology, Chair
Greg Gibson (18) Kent State University
Gary Hytrek (17) CSU Long Beach
Bob Kettlitz (17) Hastings College
beginning service at 2017 conference:
Stephanie Machado (19) Oregon Institute of Technology
Jacob Huang (19) Fresno Pacific University

2015-16 Committee Members
Sheila Katz (16)  Sonoma State University, Chair
David Musick (16) University of Northern Colorado
Berna Torr (16)  CSU Fullerton
James Lee (16) San Jose State University
Gary Hytrek (17) CSU Long Beach
Bob Kettlitz (17) Hastings College

2014-15 Committee Members
David Musick  University of Northern Colorado (Northern) Chair
Darby Southgate  LA Valley College (Southern)
Sheila Katz  Sonoma State University (Central)
Sarah Thiebaud  University of California, Santa Barbara (Southern)
Berna Torr  California State University, Fullerton (Southern)
James Lee  San Jose State (Central)

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