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97th Annual PSA Conference (PSA 2026)

  • April 01, 2026
  • April 04, 2026
  • Westin Long Beach - Long Beach, CA

Pacific Sociological Association 97th Annual Meeting

Weds. April 1st -Sat. April 4th, 2026

Puvungna, Tongva/Gabrieleño and Acjachemen Homelands

Westin Long Beach - Long Beach, California

Registration of open in April 2025

Please join us at the 97th Annual Pacific Sociological Association (PSA 2026) Conference as we gather brilliant minds and work in powerful community to address critical problems of our time and offer generative pathways forward in our shared futures.

For nearly 100-years, the PSA conference has traveled across beautiful Indigenous homelands throughout the Western region of Turtle Island. In this historic moment, we are proud to name the PSA’s conference theme in Indigenous language. The theme of the conference, Shúkwaatnim na iwáyumixa (Yakama Ichishkíin language, English translation of the theme is: Knowledge brings us together), honors the vision of education and learning Yakama Elders have carried and shared Since Time Immemorial.

Following the vision of precious Elders, we view our conference gathering as special because of the love, care, and power in our collective thinking, work, and presence. We bring these gifts for ourselves, each other, and our communities. We share ideas and questions, and in doing so create a collective dreaming space for our shared futures. As we envision and claim our collective futures, we especially invite you to join us in centering Indigenous, environmental, and intersectional sociologies. In doing so, we remember the past to support us in realizing our collective dreams. We make space for and honor Indigenous peoples, lands, languages, and ways of knowing and being. We engage teaching and scholarship that cares for and learns from Tiichám, our Mother, the Earth.

Please join us on beautiful Tongva/Gabrieleño and Acjachemen Homelands for the 97th gathering of the PSA.

Michelle M. Jacob (Yakama Nation), University of Oregon, PSA President-Elect

Kirsten Vinyeta, Utah State University, PSA Conference Program Chair

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