The Pacific Sociological Association is currently seeking nominations for PSA officer positions (President, Vice-President, Council Members for North, Central, and South Regions; Graduate Student representative) as well as elected committees (Nominations, Publications, Committee on Committees). We welcome self-nominations, nominations from others for a person(s) with permission, as well as nominations from the PSA Council.
Interested candidates will need to submit the following information: years of membership and participation in PSA, PSA positions held, participation at conferences as a presenter/panelist/presider/etc, and why the candidate would like to be elected as well as any other information desired about their scholarship and academic/personal qualifications for the position). Candidates are asked to fill out the following e-form created by the Executive Office to provide this ‘bio’. (https://forms.gle/vCprLhxfh34saNnU6). Candidates must agree to run for office on the Spring 2025 PSA ballot, be current dues-paying PSA members, and understand their responsibility to maintain their membership and attend the annual meetings while they hold an elected PSA position. Candidates should be informed that campaigning is neither expected nor appreciated. This is a collegial process to involve the PSA membership in selecting PSA leadership, not a competition or judgment. All candidates are nominated because they would be great people for the positions, and their nomination is a recognition of this by the Nominations Committee.
The deadline for Nominations is October 30th.