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2025 PSA Conference and Membership Fee Information


PSA aims to keep membership and conference participation affordable. However, the costs to keep PSA going and hold the annual conference are rising. The PSA Council made some adjustments to fees for this year which included an increase in fees at each membership level. Our fees are still tiered so that persons who are current students, Emerita/Emeritus/Retired Sociologists, or lower income faculty/other professionals pay lower fees while faculty/other professionals in higher income brackets pay higher fees. To help offset this, we are offering savings for early registration. 

Full annual PSA participation - This includes PSA 2025 conference registration and annual membership fees for 2024-2025 Academic Year (required for all persons presenting at the conference)

Membership Level Early Bird Registration (through November 1, 2024) Regular Registration (November 2, 2024 through February 1, 2025) Late Registration (February 2, 2025 through March 22, 2025)
Current Students $60 $75 $85
Faculty/etc with annual income less than $40,000 $65 $85 $95
Faculty/etc with annual income $40,000 to $80,000 $165 $175 $185
Faculty/etc with annual income $80,000 to $100,000 $215 $225 $235
Faculty/etc with annual income greater than $100,000 $265 $275 $285
Emerita/Emeritus/Retired $140 $150 $160

To join PSA today or to renew your membership for 2024-2025 Academic Year, please click here and register for PSA 2025.

PSA Annual Membership Only - For those who will not be attending PSA 2025 and would like to maintain PSA Membership (PSA membership is required to be eligible for appointment and/or election to committees and offices and to vote in the affairs and governance of the association and to receive awards.

Membership Level 2024-2025 Academic Year
Current Students $45
Faculty/etc with annual income less than $40,000 $45
Faculty/etc with annual income $40,000 to $80,000 $100
Faculty/etc with annual income $80,000 to $100,000 $125
Faculty/etc with annual income greater than $100,000 $150
Emerita/Emeritus/Retired $100

To submit a membership form for those not attending PSA 2025, please click here

New for 2024-2025

  • Council established the membership year to allign with the academic year and our annual conference. The membership year begins the Monday immediately following the PSA Annual Conference and ends the Sunday of the subsiquent concerence. For example, the membership year for the current academic year started the Monday following PSA 2024 in San Diego (March 25, 2024) and will end the Sunday of PSA 2025 in San Francisco (March 30, 2025.
  • Guided by the PSA 2024 post-conference survey, we are again bundling the conference fee and the membership fee. By registering for PSA 2025, your PSA membership fee for the 2024-2025 academic year wil also be covered. 
  • A new membership level of annual income between $80,000 and $100,000 has been added.
  • To encourcage early registration and to align with other major sociological conferences, PSA 2025 will have an early registration rate through November 1, 2024, a regular registration rate from November 2, 2024 through February 1, 2025, and a late registration rate from February 2, 2025 through March 22, 2025.  

Frequently Asked Questions: 

1) When does the PSA participation year begin and end?  Fees are for participation for one academic year and the new academic year begins the Monday immediately following 

2) What are the benefits of paying the PSA registration and conference fee? Current paid PSA participants have electronic access (and a mailed copy for an add-on fee of $20) to the PSA journal, Sociological Perspectives (February, April, June, August, October, December), are emailed three electronic copies of the PSA newsletter, The Pacific Sociologist (approximately January, May, and September), are eligible for appointment and/or election to committees and offices and to vote in the affairs and governance of the association (including the annual fall ballot for leadership candidates), and to receive awards (various criteria) and student travel grants (students who are presenting at the annual conference).

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