2025 PSA Endowment Fund Silent Auction and Donations
We look forward to welcoming you to the Pacific Sociological Association’s 95th Annual Conference in San Francisco, California, from March 27th to March 30th, 2025. The Endowment Committee is proud to sponsor this Silent Auction initiative, the proceeds from which support Student Travel Grants to the PSA. Providing support to our graduate and undergraduate students is an ongoing commitment of the PSA, continuing in the pursuit of our mission to motivate and support the next generation of sociologists. Last year, 50 Student Travel Grants were awarded, thanks to your donations.
We ask you to consider contributing one or more items that will be up for bidding in the auction. Suggested items include books, local artisan goods, hand-made clothing items, and college insignia attire. The items do not need to be expensive, but they should be small and portable. Use the link below to register your commitment to provide a Silent Auction item.
There will be designated auction tables in the registration area where items can be checked in. Auction-bid sheets will indicate the name of the donor and the minimum bid for each item. The bidding period will close on Saturday evening, and the items must be picked up and paid for by noon on Sunday. Winning bidders can pay by cash, check, or credit card.
Additionally, members may also support the Endowment Fund through an online donation to the PSA Donation Page. Please help us increase funding towards Student Travel Grants.
We look forward to seeing you at the conference, and we thank you for your continued support of the PSA Endowment Fund!
PSA Endowment Committee
Register your commitment to bring an item here: https://forms.gle/UWktPfa2v58k5Rx48